Lakeview Academy April 2020 Board Meeting

April 16, 2020 at 7:00 PM

This meeting will be held online due to the COVID-19 Social Distancing

Submit questions or comments related to items on the Agenda to: at least 12 hours before the start of the meeting.

Audio1 and 2 of live session

  1. Welcome and Roll Call 

  2. Pledge of Allegiance 

  3. Reports
    Director's Report
    Board Member Reports    
    Financial Reports

    1. Balance Sheet Report Ending

    2. Income Statement Report Ending 

    3. Check Register Report Ending

    4. LVA Program Report

    5. LVA AIM Up Charter

  1. Public Comment: The public may address any issue not related to items already on the agenda. Please state your name for the official minutes. Please be mindful of the length of the board meeting and be concise.

  1. Board Business 

  1. Update Land Trust Goal

  2. Expansion Update- Ivory Homes

  1. Consent Agenda 

  1. Minutes March 12, 2020 

  1. Action Items 

  1. LVA Electronic Board Meeting Policies

  1. Closed Session

    1. Legal and Personnel. A motion to enter a closed session in accordance with Utah Code 52-4-205 for the purpose of discussion of litigation matters, acquisition of real property, or authorized personnel issues. 

    2. Action Item if needed
