Forms, Applications, Notices & Scholarships

ARP ESSER Application

View the 2021-2022 ARP ESSER application approved by the Board in September 2021.

Title 1 Funds

What are my rights as a parent of a student attending a Title I school?

  • Timely information about Title I programs
  • A description and explanation of the curriculum and assessments used to measure student progress
  • Information on the level of achievement and academic growth of the student
  • The right to opt out of mandated assessments
  • If requested, opportunities for regular meetings to provide suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children
  • The opportunity to be involved in the planning, review, and improvement of the engagement policy and school-wide program unless the school already has a process in place for involving parents (with adequate representation)
  • If the school plan is not satisfactory to parents, the school will submit any comments to the LEA (district Title I director)
  • Timely notice if their child has been assigned to, or taught, for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification or licensure requirements for the grade level or subject area taught.

Who should I contact at Lakeview Academy with questions about Title I funding?

Please contact Richard Veasey at