Lakeview Academy Board of Trustees Meeting
527 West 400 North Saratoga Springs, Utah
(The times listed are approximate and the board reserves the right to vote on any item on the agenda. To receive the attached supporting documents just click on the item of interest and a PDF should pop up. If you have questions or problems e-mail
1. Welcome (4:30 p.m.)
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Comment not related to items on the agenda, each comment is limited to two minutes (4:35 p.m.)
5. Study Items (4:45)
a. Trustlands grant
6. Board Business (5:30)
a. A motion to enter a closed session for the purpose of discussion of litigation matters, acquisition or real property, or authorized personal issues.
g. Action if any from closed session
7. Adjourn (6:00 p.m.)
In an abundance of caution, tomorrow 2/14/25, will be a distance learning day. Please see your email for instructions from your teacher. Thank you!