Lakeview Academy
Board of Trustees Meeting
527 West 400 North Saratoga Springs Utah
(all times listed are approximate and the board reserves the right to vote on any item on the agenda)
The purpose of the board, on behalf of the citizens of Utah, is to see to it that Lakeview Academy (1) achieves what is should according to the Lakeview Academy Charter and state laws and (2) avoids unacceptable actions and situations.
1. Welcome & Roll Call (2:30 p.m.)
2. Pledge of Allegiance (2:30 p.m.)
3. Action Items (2:33 p.m.)
a. Charter Fidelity Monitoring Review Survey
4. Public Comment (2:55 p.m.) The public may address any issue not related to times already on the agenda. Please state your name for the official minutes. Please be mindful of the length of the board meeting and be concise.
5. Board Business (3:00 p.m.)
6. Adjournment