Lakeview Academy
Board of Trustees Meeting
(all times listed are approximate and the board reserves the right to vote on any item on the agenda, the board also reserves the right to change, add or delete any item on the agenda up to 24 hours before the scheduled meeting)
1. Welcome (1:00 p.m.)
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Golden Shovel Groundbreaking (1:05 p.m.)
5. Q & A regarding Expansion Project (1:30 p.m.)
6. Reports (2:00 p.m.)
a. Director Report
b. Board Reports
c. Financial Reports
i. Financial Report
ii. Balance Sheet Report
iii. Cash Flow Report
iv. Account Reconciliation Report
7. Public Comment not related to items on the agenda, each comment is limited to two minutes (2:30 p.m.)
8. Consent Agenda (2:35 p.m.)
a. September 2012 Financials
b. Peck-Ormsby Contract
c. Teledraft/Instant Payment Contract
9. Action Items (2:40 p.m.)
a. Amended 2012-2013 academic calendar
10. Board Business (2:45 p.m.)
a. Resolution 112010-1 The Lakeview Academy Board of Trustees is recalling the authority of the task of preparing the Trustlands Grant to the Site Advisory Council, and pursuant Utah Code.... The Lakeview Academy Board of Trustees will be responsible for preparing and approving the Trustlands Grant.
b. Building and Bond Updates
c. A motion to enter a closed session for the purpose of discussion of litigation matters, acquisition or real property, or authorized personal issues
d. Action if any from closed session
11. Adjourn (3:00 p.m.)
In an abundance of caution, tomorrow 2/14/25, will be a distance learning day. Please see your email for instructions from your teacher. Thank you!