January 10, 2013

Lakeview Academy 

Board of Trustees Meetings

527 West 400 North Saratoga Springs, Utah

(The  times listed are approximate and the board reserves the right to vote on any item on the agenda.  To receive the attached supporting document just click on the item of interest and a PDF should pop up.  If you have questions or problems email bot@lakeview-academy.com)

1. Welcome (7:00 p.m.)

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Reports (7:05 p.m.)

a. Director's Report

i. UCAS Report (for a copy of this document email bot@lakeview-academy.com)

b. Board Reports

c. Financial Reports

i. Financial Report October and November

ii. Balance Sheet Report October and November

iii. Cash Flow Report October and November

iv. October Reconciliation Report

v. November Reconciliation Report

5. Charter Training (7:30 p.m.)

a. Charter Refocus

6. Policy Review (7:45 p.m.)  How does this policy support the charter, global policies, state law and governance?  Is it effective?  How do we know it is effective (direct inspection, data, audit)?  do we need to make any changes?

a. Election Policy

b. Financial Conditions and Activities

c. Harassment Policy

d. Consent Agenda (7:55 p.m.)

e. October and November Financial Report

f. November 20, 2012 meeting minutes (Will be available shortly)

g. UCA Report

7. .Public Comment not related to items on the agenda, each comment is limited to two minutes (8:00 p.m.)

8. Action Items  (8:15 p.m.)

a. Charter School Visit Application

b. Amended 2012-2013 Budget

c. 2013-2014 school calendar

d. Anatomy Academy

9. Board Business (8:30 p.m.)

a. Governance Training

i. 5 Back Ordered Chinese Light bulbs (for a copy of this document email bot@lakeview-academy.com)

b. Building updates

c. Appointment of Peter Chamberlain as the Building Officer with a term from June 1, 2012 to May 31, 2014.

d. Trustlands Discussion

e. Concealed Gun Carry Discussion

f. A motion to enter a closed session for the purpose of discussion of litigation matters, acquisition of real property, or authorized personal issues

g. Action if any from closed session

10. Adjourn (9:30 p.m.)