May 9, 2013

Lakeview Academy 

Board of Trustees Meeting

527 West 400 North Saratoga Springs Utah

(The times listed are approximate and the board reserves the right to vote on any itme on the agenda)

1. Welcome (6:30 p.m.)

2. Roll Call (6:30 p.m.)

3. A motion to enter a closed session in accordance with Utah Code 52-4-205 for the purpose of discussion of litigation matters, acquisitions of real property, or authorized personal issues.

4. Action if any from closed session

5. Pledge of Allegiance (7:00 p.m.)

6. Reports (7:05 p.m.)

a. Director's Report

b. Financial Report

i. Balance Sheet Report

ii. Cash Flow Report Ending March 2013

iii. Incomce Statement Ending February 28, 2013

iv. Reconciliation Report Ending March 1, 2013

v. Section 218 what now? Presentation

vi. Last Three Years Financial Scoreboard

7. Charter Training (7:45 p.m.)

8. Policy Review (8:00 p.m.)

a. Board Members' Code of Conduct Policy

b. Board Committee Principles Policy

c. Fee Wavers Policy

9. Public Comment (8:00 p.m.)

10. Consent Agenda (8:15 p.m.)

a. March Financial Report

b. Utility cost Engineers Service Agreement

c. Neptune Park Use Agreement

d. 9th Grade Capstone Proposal

e. M-Space Portable Removal Contract

11. Public Hearing (8:20 p.m.)

a. Budget Hearing of Tentative Budget for the 2013-2014 fiscal year (action will be taken on this item in June 2013)

12. Board Business

a. Governance Training (8:45 p.m.)

i. Some Revolving Doors Lead to Dead Ends

b. Building Updates

c. A motion to enter a closed session in accordance with Utah Code 52-4-205 for the purpose of discussion of litigation matters, acquisition of real property, or authorzed personal issues.

d. Action if any from closed session

13. Adjourn (9:00 p.m.)