Lakeview Academy Board of Trustees Meeting
April 18, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
527 W 400 N Saratoga Springs, Utah
1) Welcome and Roll Call
2) Pledge of Allegiance
3) Board Business
a) Parent elect position and upcoming elections
b) Board evaluations
c) Board calendar
4) Reports
b) Board Member Reports
c) Committee Reports
i) Policy Committee
ii) Expansion Committee
iii) Audit Committee
d) February Financial & Accounting Reports
iii) Program Report
vi) Check Register Report
vii) P-Card Purchase Reports
5) Public Comment: The public may address any issue unrelated to items already on the agenda. Participants are asked to state their names for the official minutes, and please be concise. If you cannot attend the meeting, you may email your comments to to be included in the minutes. Please submit your comments no later than two hours prior to the start of the meeting.
6) Consent Agenda
b) D.A. Davidson Engagement Letter
c) Hales Traffic Study
d) Farnsworth Johnson Engagement letter
e) Odyssey Partners, Project Management Agreement
7) Action Items
a) CSBBO recommendations
b) Architect recommendations
c) Contract signature process
d) Change order approval & signature process
e) Project Management agreement
8) Closed Session
a) A motion to enter a closed session per Utah Code 52-4-205 to discuss litigation matters, acquisition of real property, or authorized personnel issues (all motions, except the motion to exit the closed session, will be made in an open meeting.)
b) Return to Open Meeting
c) Action may be taken regarding litigation matters
d) Action may be taken regarding authorized personnel issues
9) Adjourn
In an abundance of caution, tomorrow 2/14/25, will be a distance learning day. Please see your email for instructions from your teacher. Thank you!