I. Welcome
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Consent Agenda
1. Minutes June 28, 2012
2. Minutes August 9, 2012
3. Minutes September 13, 2012
4. Minutes October 5, 2012
V. Public Comment not related to items on the agenda, each comment is limited to two minutes.
VI. Public Hearing (action will be taken after public comment)
1. Amended By-Laws
VII. Action Items
1. Documents related to financing of the expansion project (items may be added to the list on Tuesday October 16, 2012)
a. Financial Resolution 101612-1
b. Loan Agreement
c. Bond Purchase Agreement
d. Preliminary Offering Statement
e. Continuing Disclosure Agreement
f. Supplement to Trust Indenture
2. Awarding of Contractor for RFP of expansion project
VIII. Board Business
8:00 VIX. Adjourn